Feel free to include observations from your own classroom where students have struggled or succeeded in the transition to student-centered learning.
Teaching students to learn by using technology needs to happen by first teaching students how to properly use technology. So many students do not understand the ramifications of a negative digital footprint. Students don't understand how to and why they should be careful while using technology. Students also don't understand the need for using credible sources. They feel if it is on the Internet, then it is true. After students understand how to properly use technology, then they can better understand it as a educational tool.
Teachers also need to make a shift in their thinking. We are use to using paper books to find all of the answers. The thought of not needing paper books is somewhat foreign. Teachers are used to students having textbooks and workbooks. Making the shift to everything on the computer is a little scary at first. Teachers are used to being the center of the classroom and being the source of learning. By using SAMR teachers can better adjust and break away from this thinking.
Both teachers and students will become more comfortable with student centered classrooms with more professional development, training, and practice. If students see the need for the skills they will also be more likely to want to learn.
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