Which of these best describes your current classroom/professional development atmosphere?
Is it possible for you to reach the third level?
If not, why?
If so, what resources are needed to reach this goal?
My school is currently at Control by Authority Stage. Students are not allowed to carry cellphones and our school web-filter blocks Facebook and other social media sites. Currently, our school is not 1:1, so several classes have a classroom set of computers that stay in the classroom.
Since our school does not have iPads the "one application at a time" app wouldn't work. I like the idea of the "Freedom" app. It could lock the Internet from 10pm-6am. This would help students budget his/her time with games, social media, and surfing the net until all hours on at least a school computer. I also like how it sends reminders when a student's mind is wondering. I think this would even be helpful as an adult.
Under the self-control stage, I like the idea of "tech breaks", goal setting, and to-do lists. I have post-its all over my computer with to-do lists to help me stay focused! I think this skill would be hard for students to achieve because it takes a lot of motivation, maturity, and self-direction. This would have to be modeled a lot and students would have to see the buy in to accomplish this task.
At this point, I do not think it is possible for my school district to reach the self-control stage because we are not 1:1. We also do not have policies in place as a school or district for computer misuse. Policies, regulations, and a lot of modeling and guidance on time management need to be set in place before my school district would be able to move to this stage.
I'm wondering how you might work towards self-control just in general. For example, how are the students doing with bullying or behavior in class? The Self-control stuff can help prepare them for when (inevitably) they do get to use technology. =D